Second Deviation

Second Deviation


500 impacts  / 24 days / 2 paintings / ink on paper / yellow – blue – red


The deviating trajectory of a pendulum inscribed on a canvas.

The ensemble performs in an elongated space:  a ball, attached from the ceiling by a thin nylon wire, drops into color ink containers, from there, a robot arms catches by means of an electro-magnet to bring it to a higher point in space form which it gets released, crosses the room at high speed until it collides onto a canvas.

The collision leaves an impact of ink, the trace of a moment, of a process…

In an elongated space, a ball, attached from the ceiling by a thin nylon wire, drops into color ink containers, from there, a robotic arms catches it by means of an electro-magnet to bring it to a higher point in space,  form which it gets released to cross the room at high speed until it collides onto the canvas, positioned vertically on the wall. The collision leaves an impact of ink, the trace of a moment, of a process…

Theoretically the pendulum should draw a perfect grid but, due to vibrations and movements in the air, deviates from its course. Each impact on the canvas becomes a manifestation of the deviation.

A pendulum impresses by its relentless regularity, unmistakably subordinate to the laws of physics. As in few phenomenon, the theoretical model and the reality are identical. Second Deviation challenges this particularity as a fully automated drawing apparatus that attempts to make a perfect gridded drawing.

Second deviation is the second in a series of installations that explores the non-controllable dimension of physical processes in a creative practice of drawing.


Direction: Edouard Cabay

Curation: Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou

Team: Peter Geelmuyden Magnus, Soroush Garivani

Area Insitute: Christian Girard (Pr.)

With: Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and ABB

Photography: Aurélien Mole and Peter Geelmuyden Magnus

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Computational drawing experiment with robotic painting at AA[n+1] Gallery for Area Institute, Paris, 2018 by Machinic Protocols
Computational drawing experiment with robotic painting at AA[n+1] Gallery for Area Institute, Paris, 2018 by Machinic Protocols
Computational drawing experiment with robotic painting at AA[n+1] Gallery for Area Institute, Paris, 2018 by Machinic Protocols
Computational drawing experiment with robotic painting at AA[n+1] Gallery for Area Institute, Paris, 2018 by Machinic Protocols
Computational drawing experiment with robotic painting at AA[n+1] Gallery for Area Institute, Paris, 2018 by Machinic Protocols
Computational drawing experiment with robotic painting at AA[n+1] Gallery for Area Institute, Paris, 2018 by Machinic Protocols

AA[n+1] Gallery for Area Institute, Paris – 2018